Step-by-step guides
Before you begin
Things you need to know and should consider before you start to create your mentoring programme.
Design your programme
What do you want your mentoring programme to look and feel like?
Review your existing evidence
What evidence do you have that you need a mentoring programme, and what problems are you trying to fix with it?
Decide on the type of programme
What kind of relationship and interactions do you want mentors and mentees to have with each other?
Decide who is eligible
Who do you want to be able to take part?
Codify your matching criteria
What rules will you apply to matching mentors and mentees?
Design your programme evaluation
How will you know your programme is working?
Create a logic model
Do your inputs and activities help you to achieve the outcomes you are looking for?
Create pre- and post- intervention surveys
What should you ask your participants to get their feedback and know if your programme is working?
Select your tools
What software do you have available, and which will you use?
Create your registration process
How will you collect and process participant data?
Build the registration forms
How will you collect information from your participants?
Create a data and privacy policy
What processes and policies will govern your use of participant data?
Create your programme guidance
How will you guide participants through the programme, from registration through to completion?
Create general guidance for participants
What guidance do all of your participants need?
Create specific guidance for mentees
What guidance do your mentees need?
Create specific guidance for mentors
What guidance do mentors need?
Create a code of conduct
How will you ensure everyone acts professionally?
Create induction materials
How will you induct participants onto your programme?
Launch the programme
Get the word out about your programme and encourage people to sign up.
Publicise the programme
How will people know about your programme, and how will you encourage them to take part?
Open registrations
When will you open registrations, and for how long?
Monitor and clean the data
How will you ensure your data is accurate?
Induct mentors and mentees
Prepare your participants for the programme.
Schedule induction events
Plan when your induction events will take place.
Run induction events
Ensure your participants understand what they need to do and how to do it.
Update guidance documents
Check that your guidance makes sense to your participants.
Publish induction materials
Close registrations
Prevent additional sign ups so you can commence matching.
Validate the registration data
Give people a chance to check their information.
Set a baseline for evaluation
Gather information from participants to act as a baseline when evaluating the programme later.
Match mentors and mentees
Use our software package to match participants together.
Format the data
Ensure your data is in the required format for our software.
Use the mentor matching software
Install and run the mentor matching software.
Facilitate speed mentoring
Guide your participants through the first part of the mentoring process.
Notify participants of their matches
What will you tell mentees and mentors about their matches and what to do next?
Tell participants what to do for speed mentoring
What will you ask mentees and mentors to do as part of speed mentoring?
Remind participants of their matches
Will you nudge people to complete their speed mentoring?
Evaluate the programme
Gather feedback after the initial speed mentoring period.
Facilitate long-term mentoring
Guide your participants through the final part of the mentoring process.
Tell participants what to do for long-term mentoring
What will you ask mentees and mentors to do as part of long-term mentoring?
Remind participants of their next steps
Will you nudge people to select and meet their long-term mentor?
Evaluate the programme
Wrap up the programme with a final evaluation.